Faz hoje 10 anos que Jeff Buckley morreu
"Jeff Buckley was born in California's Orange County in 1966 and died in a tragic drowning accident in Memphis on May 29, 1997. He had emerged in New York City's avant-garde club scene in the 1990's as one of the most remarkable musical artists of his generation, acclaimed by audiences, critics, and fellow musicians alike(...)"
"After completing touring in 1996, Buckley started to write for a new album to be called My Sweetheart the Drunk. In 1997 he moved to Memphis, Tennessee, where he rented a shotgun house of which he was so fond he contacted the owner about the possibility of buying it. Buckley started recording demos on his own 4-track recorder. He went into the studio again, recruited a band, and plans for the new album looked hopeful.
On May 29, 1997, as the band's plane touched down on the runway to join him in his Memphis studio, Buckley went swimming in Wolf River Harbor, a tributary of the Mississippi River, while wearing steel-toed boots, all of his clothing, and singing along to a radio playing Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love". A roadie of Buckley's band, Keith Foti, remained ashore. After moving the radio and a guitar out of reach of the wake from a passing tugboat, Foti looked up to see that Buckley was gone. Despite a determined rescue effort that night, Buckley remained missing, and the search was called off the following day due to heavy rain. One week later his body was spotted by a tourist on a riverboat marina and was brought ashore.(...) The autopsy confirmed that Buckley had taken no illegal drugs before his swim and a drug overdose was ruled out as the cause of death. He was 30 years old."
Sweet Thing
Lover, you should've come over
Grace is the first and only complete studio album by Jeff Buckley, released on August 23, 1994
"Amazing Grace,
how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
T'was Grace that taught...my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home. "
3 Comentários:
Alice, grande tributo!!!
Aqui não posso ouvir, mas quando chegar a casa, claro que sim!!!
A letra do amazing grace é linda!
TB tenho o álbum do Jeff Buckley no meu Ipod e ouço muitas vezes!
Gosto muito...grande tributo, mesmo!
Que pecado o desaparecimento prematuro do Jeff Buckley... É mesmo muito bom...
Eu tenho uma nostalgiazinha parecida com esta, mas é com o Jim Morrison... E claro, a sua autópsia deu coisas mais desagradáveis. Mas continua a ser único...
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